Dry Verge Installation Cork

Over the past number of years, it has become apparent that Ireland is experiencing an increase in the number and severity of storms each year. Traditional wet verge systems, which rely on mortar to secure it to the roof, struggle to keep up with this changing weather.

The alternative is a dry verge system; which relies on interlocking caps/verges which fit over the edge of roof tiles. These caps/verges are often made of plastic which are more durable and, in the long run, can be more cost effective. The dry verge system acts as a barrier for the side of your roof preventing the elements, birds and other insects from entering the roof space, thus protecting your home.

Dry Verge Installation Cork​

Majestic Roofing & Guttering have over 15 years’ experience installing and repairing dry verge systems. Whether you wish to replace your wet verge system with a brand new dry verge system or have minor repairs to your existing dry verge system, our team are on hand to provide you with the best advice and most cost efficient solution for your requirements. We insist on using the highest quality materials to ensure our projects will stand the test of time and provide value for our customers.

If you are in Cork County, and want fast, reliable service on installing, repairing or replacing your dry verge system, contact Majestic Roofing & Guttering today for a Free Quote.

Dry Verge Installation Cork​

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Dry Verge Installation Cork​
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